
Did you hear?  Spot Pay and Double Time Incentive

WSNA and St. Clare leadership reached an agreement to provide nurses additional incentive pay to work above their FTE during the pandemic crisis we are in. The initial timeframe for incentives will span November 29, 2020 through March 6, 2021

Highlights of the Agreement:

Spot Pay Shift Bonus $15/hour –
Addresses unplanned absenteeism on short notice

Short notice is defined as agreement to work an unscheduled shift with 24 hours or less notice prior to the start of the shift.

Double Time Incentive Pay (DTI)
When the core schedule has unfilled shifts, RNs will be encouraged to sign up to work extra shifts.

A nurse will not be eligible for Spot Pay Shift Bonus if they are receiving DTI.

In Solidarity,

WSNA Local Unit Officers — Kimberley Russell, Clair Korrell, Tony Endrizzi

Barbara Friesen, WSNA Nurse Rep bfriesen@wsna.org 800 – 231-8482 ext. 3056