
Last chance: Let’s start out strong!

If our negotiation team can begin negotiations telling management nearly every nurse took the negotiation survey it will show strong support and help put our team in a position of power. Taking the survey demonstrates you are involved in and care about our contract negotiations.

Management will never see or hear the individual responses of the survey. The surveys are from WSNA and that is where all the responses and survey data are kept. During negotiations we refer to the information in summary form. We may also read quotes but will never reveal any identifying information. Therefore, there is no reason to have any fear of retaliation from management for taking our survey.

The survey will close Dec. 12, 2021.

If you have not taken the survey yet, please follow this link and take the survey now:

In Solidarity,

WSNA Local Unit Officers: Clair Korrell, Devon Tallman, Tony Endrizzi, Amanda Hockmuth

Barbara Friesen, WSNA Nurse Rep bfriesen@wsna.org 800-231-8482 ext. 3056