
Negotiation update

Negotiations session 10 - not good

Our contract negotiating team spent over 12 hours at our 10th session trying to reach an agreement with management that we could recommend a yes vote on. Unfortunately, we need to report regardless of our effort…

  • Per diems remain under attack with management insisting their pay be reduced.
  • Management refuses to provide the same wage package to St. Clare nurses that the St. Joes nurses received.
  • Management is insisting on inequitable treatment of part-time and full-time nurses regarding the ability to decline standby for extra shifts.

WSNA will be holding local unit meetings soon to discuss management's disrespectful attitude towards their hard-working dedicated nurses and determine our next steps.

Please spread the news about what has transpired and to watch for emails announcing the time and place of the upcoming WSNA meetings.

Together we are strong, together we win!

In Solidarity,
Your Negotiating Team; Kimberly Russell, Tony Endrizzi, Clairissa Korrell, Jocelyn Rogers, Patrick Williams, Tessa Zuidhoff

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Rep Barbara Friesen at bfriesen@wsan.org or 206-575-7979 ext. 3056.