
Overpayment Repayment Settlement Reached

Thank you to every WSNA member that responded and/or participated throughout the lengthy process that enabled us to finally reach a settlement agreement!

WSNA spent a great deal of time and effort to try to get the simplest and most understandable explanation we could that would clearly show why the amount that was allegedly overpaid was accurate. We trialed versions with nurses until we had a version multiple nurses reviewed and reported did make sense and they did understand. 

The settlement includes an explanation via the FAQs of what was overpaid, how to pay it back, and a process to follow if after following the FAQs the amount still is disputed. 

The implementation of the agreement is at management’s discretion. We do recommend you get your October 21, 2022, pay stub now and follow the FAQs carefully so you are prepared when it is rolled out.

In Solidarity,
Barbara Friesen
WSNA Nurse Rep