
Update: Overpayment Repayment

WSNA met with management on Tuesday December 13, 2022 at management’s request to see if we could come up with a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the overpayment repayment issue.

We raised a number of our concerns including the deductions, hourly rates reduced, payout of broad based awards, itemizing the alleged overpayments, and more.

We still do not know if we will be able to come to an agreement. WSNA has filed Unfair Labor Practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board and are considering other legal remedies that may be available.

Many nurses have revoked their authorization for deduction. If you have not revoked your authorization and would like to, copy and paste the message below in an email to VMFH Division Director, Employee & Labor Relations, Marie LaMarche: marielamarche@chifranciscan.org and please cc me: bfriesen@wsna.org.

I am writing to revoke any authorization I may have given for CHI to deduct monies from my paycheck for alleged overpayments. I do not acknowledge that I was overpaid by the amount CHI claims and I do not agree for CHI to make deductions from my future paychecks to recoup the alleged overpayment.

I understand that any such authorization I may have given was unlawfully secured without the consent of my union, WSNA. See N. Coast Cleaning Serv., 272 NLRB 1343 (N.L.R.B. 1984).

Additionally, by this email, I am requesting a full accounting of the amount that CHI claims I was overpaid. This information is necessary for me to determine whether or not I do in fact agree that I was overpaid by the amount alleged by CHI. I cannot provide meaningful consent to have the alleged overpayment deducted from my paychecks without having a full accounting of the basis of the alleged overpayment, and the fact that I was not provided with this information prior to being asked to consent to having deductions made is yet another reason why I am revoking any authorization I may have made.

You can also file a complaint with Washington State Department of Labor and Industries if you had unauthorized deductions, were not paid correctly, or have any other complaints regarding wages. To file a complaint with Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. Here is the link: Workplace Rights Complaint (wa.gov). Please let me know if you file a complaint.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact any of our WSNA Local Unit Officers or Unit Reps. They always have the most up to date information.

In Solidarity,
Barbara Friesen
WSNA Nurse Rep