
Important updates

Low Census

Recently Robin Cully, WSNA Grievance Officer and ED nurse, resolved a payroll issue for a WSNA member regarding how low census (LC) is calculated.

It was discovered that during low census, the pay code you entered may have been changed from LC Paid/Unpaid PTO to Unpaid PTO. If LC is coded this way, you are not earning accruals on those hours. This may affect mandatory LC, benefits, PTO and EIB accruals, and seniority.

Please take a moment to review your wage statements. Should you find any discrepancies, please submit a PPA to your manager.

Contract Corner: Workplace Violence and Safety

If you experience workplace violence from a patient or coworker, please complete an incident report and a Staffing Concern Form. The Staffing Concern Form addresses understaffing of ancillary personnel, such as our important coworkers, the security officers.

Your WSNA Contract addresses Workplace Violence in article 20.2.

20.2 Workplace Violence. The Employer will provide a safe environment free of potential hazards to nurses encompassing a clear policy of zero tolerance of workplace violence (including physical violence and verbal threats) by patients or visitors. Prominent signs shall be posted in the Medical Center in accordance with the recommendations by the workplace violence committee. Sufficient security personnel shall be provided to assure the safety of nurses, patients and visitors twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. If at any time, a nurse does not feel safe to care for a patient they reasonably believe poses a risk of violence, they may notify their immediate supervisor and request a safety care conference. The Medical center shall cooperate with and comply with all lawful requests from law enforcement.

The Parties will form a Workplace Violence Prevention, Response and Assessment Committee composed of equal members of employees and members of Management which include principal management personnel on security, education and nursing, with a minimum of four RNs selected in partnership with WSNA. The RNs shall have time off arranged by management and be paid at their regular rate of pay for all time in Committee meetings and other committee activities. The Committee shall meet monthly and when requested by either party due to an incident of violence. Every three years, and within six months of ratification of this Agreement the Committee shall develop and implement a plan to prevent and protect employees from violence at the Medical Center, by evaluating reported instances of violence and implementing changes which will increase safety. The Committee shall develop, implement and monitor progress on the plan. The Medical Center will assure in-person, interactive prevention training as recommended by the Committee, and is provided to all applicable personnel within 90 days of employment.

The Employer shall provide free counseling services for nurses who are subjected to workplace violence, through the employer sponsored employee assistance program. Nurses shall not be retaliated against for reporting incidences of workplace violence. The Medical Center retains full responsibility for providing a safe and secure workplace for all nurses, patients and visitors.

To access the Staffing Concern Form:

Go to Crossroads


>>Staffing Office—Scroll down to WSNA section

>>>Staffing Concern Form

(Please note, you are not required to enter patient census or staffing data!)

If you are using Staffing Complaint/ADO (not preferred) from the WSNA website:

>You must enter your manager’s email address or it will not be routed correctly.

For questions, please contact WSNA Nurse Rep, Hanna Welander at hwelander@wsna.org.