
Negotiation update

We began contract negotiations with management on Feb. 14 and 15.

We have submitted nearly all of our proposals to hospital management. Management has given us several proposals that give us pause, many that include takeaways. For example, management has proposed language that undermines our master schedules and gives them the ability to change our start times!

Unit Reps: We are calling on all of our Unit Reps to support our negotiating team members for our upcoming actions and fight for a fair contract!

Sticker Up! Take Action! Our next negotiation date is Friday, Feb. 25. We are asking everyone to wear a solidarity sticker “I Support My Negotiating Team.” Our negotiating team will be distributing the stickers to unit reps. You can also show solidarity by wearing blue scrubs.

Become a Unit Rep and support the contract campaign! Email your Nurse Rep at hwelander@wsna.org.

Laura Bayes, 4-South; Tracy Pullar and Darlyce Jerde, PCU; Geri Fallacy, Pre-Admit Screening; Robin Cully, ED; Rhonda Tull, SSU; Grace Schackel, Cath Lab; Jana Travenshek, CCFP