Quick news
Posted Nov 8, 2023
The extension of the Extra Incentive MOU has been ratified!
Congratulations St. Luke’s nurses, as of Oct 25, 2023 the extension of the Extra Shift MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) has been ratified by the bargaining unit. This means the benefit will now be available until Jan 5, 2024. This is a win for our nurses!
To view and download the updated MOU use the link below.
New officers have been elected!
A new body of strong leaders have been voted in by the nurses of the WSNA bargaining unit. Being an officer takes hard work and dedication. Thank you for stepping up!
Jeff Dubrawski - Chair
Keith Hawvermale - Vice Chair
Allision White - Secretary
Erika Lee - Treasurer
Noel Wise - Grievance Officer
Upcoming Events - Leadership in Lake Chelan!
Don’t miss WSNA’s labor training event at Campbell’s Resort in Chelan April 28-30
Join nurses from around the state as we convene to build stronger local units, become more effective leaders, learn more about the national and state labor scenes, celebrate our successes, and strategize for what’s coming next.
If you are a local unit officer, conference committee member, staffing committee member, safety committee member, unit rep/liaison or a member in one of WSNA’s local units who is interested in advocating for nurses and becoming more involved in your union, this conference is for you. Visit wsna.org/leadership to find out more, and email Jaclyn Smedley BSN, RN at jsmedley@wsna.org to obtain your scholarship. (Scholarship will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis)

Questions/Comments, contact one of your WSNA Officers - you can find them listed on this page - or WSNA Nurse Representative Jaclyn Smedley, BSN, RN, jsmedley@wsna.org.