Contract bargaining update #6
Posted Nov 12, 2019

On Friday, Nov. 8, we met with TG for contract bargaining session #6.
We passed counter proposals to management and are waiting for responses from them.
Tacoma General’s attorney has left her position to take a job with another company. Laura Edwards, Director of Labor and Employee Relations, is the new negotiator for TG. She has assured us that she will continue in the spirit of collaborative negotiations and will work toward getting a tentative agreement in a timely manner.
They seem firm on their medical proposal to change full-time benefits eligible from 0.6 to 0.75 for new hires going forward (after Jan. 1, 2020).
If you have not already done so, take the two-minute rest break survey now. Your input will help us with negotiations.
Don’t forget, you are invited to join us for negotiations. Next scheduled dates are Nov. 13 and 20 at La Quinta in Tacoma. If you want to attend the morning or afternoon session (or both), RSVP to WSNA Nurse Rep Sydne James.
In solidarity, because we are all

Ally Bure, OR; Charlene Sole, ER; Brenda Bowhay, Mother Baby; Cherie Griffith, Med/Surg; Michelle Stevenson, PCU; Danielle O’Toole, ICU; Liz Leske, Peri-Anesthesia; CJ Johnston, ER; Kayla Dougherty, NICU; Jess Oyler, OR