
Negotiations update

We last met with management on July 8 for our second day of negotiations. Management gave us a full counter including wages and other financials. We feel we are close and provided them with a counter offer near the end of the day but management was not prepared to give us their counter that day. We are scheduled to return to the table August 11 and will provide you with an update as soon as possible.

What can you do?

We’re getting buttons and stickers that show support for your team. We want you to wear the buttons/stickers especially the first 2 weeks of August. Contact Julia Barcott to get yours.

Don’t forget to thank your negotiating team members for their hard work and dedication. Julia Barcott, Lisa Bullek, Angi Scott, Steve Hogsett, Evette Kendall, and Clara Bucio.

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Carmen Garrison at cgarrison@wsna.org