
N-95 use at UWMC Montlake

Last week, WSNA sent out a communication regarding minimum PPE requirements when caring for a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patient. Thank you to the nurses who have contacted WSNA with your concerns that N-95s, equivalent or better are currently only available when performing aerosol-generating procedures and not being provided per this requirement. WSNA has acted on your behalf. We have sent a letter to UWMC to demand immediate adherence to these requirements.

Please contact WSNA Nurse Representative Ed Zercher with any concerns that you have with PPE use or availability in your unit via email at ezercher@wsna.org. Further updates will be provided as they become available.

In Solidarity, your local unit officers –Harry James - Chair, Chris Jakubowski - Co-Chair, Charles James - Secretary and Grievance Officer, Teresa Wren - Treasurer, Janet Bower - Grievance Officer, Michael Wolf - Grievance Officer

WSNA Nurse Representative Ed Zercher, 206.575.7979 ext.3022 or ezercher@wsna.org