
Relief Nurse Grievance

Since we know many of you are watching the details closely as it pertains to the Relief Nurse Grievance filed on behalf of Donni Heidenson and all affected, we wanted to send you a very important update. We are sad, disheartened and feel let down by Providence management, but want our nurses to know the fight is not over, and we are here for you.

On May 23, 2023 in the evening, WSNA advanced this grievance to Arbitration, and a letter indicating this advancement was sent to Providence VNA HR. However, what happened next was unfortunate, shocking and unexpected. Wednesday morning, at 0830 on May 24, Providence VNA HR informed us that the schedules for both Janice Trotter and Donni Heidenson would be unilaterally changed by management to accommodate weekends, and should they not comply they would suffer insubordination and be subject to disciplinary action. We are perplexed, and taken back, that not only did the employer make a forced move on their dedicated nurses, but that their calculated move came directly after the grievance was advanced by WSNA to arbitration. This move feels retaliatory to us, and we are consulting with the WSNA attorney on this.

Both Donni and Janice have over 43 years of combined longevity with Providence VNA, so this news definitely sends a message. We have also heard that some of the Relief Staff nurses who have agreed to work weekends are now receiving retro pay for premiums which went unpaid for months. We are asking all relief nurses to check your pay stubs, and be sure you are getting the amount owed to you. If not, please let a local unit officer or your nurse representative know.

We plan to hold a local unit meeting soon to disclose all of the details of this grievance to the nurses. Date is TBD. Please keep an eye out for this, and plan to be there.

Next steps – The fight is not over VNA Nurses! If this is how management is to conduct business, then we need to unite and stand strong for negotiations next year. Prep will begin this winter and it’s not too early to declare your desire to be on the WSNA negotiating team of nurses.

This is your unit, your contract and your voice.

To join your WSNA officers in their efforts email jsmedley@wsna.org to find out how you can help. The level of commitment depends on you, and we can accommodate all needs.

We must join together as ONE.