
It's a YES! Wage Increases!

Nurses turned out and overwhelmingly approved the new wage increases. 

Your team was able to secure important gains during bargaining. “Ghost” or missing steps have been filled in! There are now two additional steps beyond year 30! On top of the 4% wage increase in April, the agreement provides between 7.3% to 12.6% wage increase depending on your current step for a total of 11.3% - 16.6% wage increases when you combine the two wage increases this year. The difference in wage increases for different steps is aimed at retention, recruitment and market competitiveness at each step. The increase applies to the current pay period and will be on your June 23 paycheck. There is also a guaranteed 6% in 2024 with another wage reopener at that time. You can find the wage scale on your local unit web page or by using the link button below.

PLEASE support your team members with PTO donation which will help offset some of their loss of wages incurred while bargaining for all Whidbey WSNA nurses.  The form can be returned to a team member or to your WSNA nurse rep. You can find the donation form and MOU using the links below.

In Solidarity, your bargaining team - Your Team - Luka Cobb, Laura Black, Ann Bell, and Gwen Parrick

Questions? Contact one of your team members or your nurse rep, Sara Frey, sfrey@wsna.org.