
Quick News You Can Use – IP Pool

We have defined the process moving forward for IP pool – worksheets will no longer be available electronically.

If you have qualifying shifts worked between 4/1/2022 – 4/1/2023 please initiate a conversation with your manager regarding your qualification for the IP pool program. You have until the end of April to start the conversation for review.

If you have submitted shifts and bonus was not paid at the time you submitted your shift this should be rectified moving forward.

The process for IP pool is as follows:

  1. Pool nurse approaches leadership on the clinical unit for which they would like to participate in incentive. If there is a need for participation, Central leadership will provide the pool nurse with an IP pool worksheet. They will no longer be available online. If there is no need on the unit, the worksheet will not be given. If pool on more than one unit each unit must have a separate need and a separate worksheet.
  2. A pool nurse completes minimum scheduling and provides availability as defined in appendix f of the collective bargaining agreement. *With the addition of 4-hour blocks to mirror other inventive programs.
  3. Completed IP pool worksheet is submitted within two pay periods of completion unless previously agreed upon with leadership documented via email.
  4. Once the worksheet is complete the IP pool nurse then requests a second worksheet if there is a need for additional IP pool shifts and the nurses wishes to participate.


Q: Why did the process change?
A: It came to our attention that there was miscommunication regarding what constitutes a need for a pool nurse to participate in the IP program resulting in nurses working shifts or giving availability to meet the IP pool criteria for incentive pay to be denied after submission.

Q: Will my unit leadership know about this change?
A: Confluence has indicated to us they have communicated with nursing leaders.

Q: What if I can’t turn in my worksheet within two pay periods due to an unforeseen event or prior commitment?
A: Email your leadership to notify of a completed IP pool worksheet but the worksheet will be submitted after the two pay period window.

Questions? Contact your WSNA nurse representative Shawn Mork (Reed), RN, SANE, sreed@wsna.org.