
March on the Boss! Show your Support!

The nurses of NW are being asked to take call on their day off or decline a pay provision in the contract.

The affected RNs are not pleased and joined in unity in signing a petition expressing their desire to not have to take call on an otherwise day off.

But there are still actions we need you to take to support your coworkers:

Attend the action on Thursday, March 2, 2023, meet at 0850 (sharp) main lobby by Starbucks

Send us your impact statements - STAT

What is an impact statement and why is it important? They are stories about how changes to call or schedule will impact you and your family that express your emotional response to said proposals. As with the petition, we must have an overwhelming response to show management that the nurses are paying attention and not pleased with their attempts.

You can use the example below or write your own, but it needs to be done today and sent to Stephenie.

Dear Christin Gordanier, CNO,

I am writing to let you know the hardship that any changes in our scheduling of mandatory call shifts will have on me and my family. Our ability to count on time off strictly dedicated to the family will be severely compromised.

There is no reason to force RNs to be limited to scheduling a mandatory call shift on a day that we would otherwise be off.

Additionally, a failure to pay the 3-hour minimum and /or double time when appropriate are just short-sighted money-saving solutions that will eventually lead to decreased morale and drive RNs to look for work elsewhere.

This effort is disrespectful to all the RNs that gave their time and expertise through the pandemic.

Do not make any changes in our working conditions, but rather, focus on retention of the loyal RN experts that currently give more than they must give.

I stand in unity with my colleagues in making this request.

___________ RN

If you have any questions please reach out to your nurse representative Stephenie Troftgruben (stroftgruben@wsna.org) or our nurse organizer Will Nesper (wnesper@wsna.org).