
Northwest Nurses Vote “YES” for Integration, Per Diem Inclusion and Contract Roll Over

An huge turnout of nurses showed up Tuesday, April 16 to overwhelmingly vote “YES” to a new 2-year contract that includes UWMC integration language and Reserve RN conditions including Just Cause. In addition, it includes guaranteed raises for the next two years, a longevity bonus, free UPASS for all Classified RNs starting January 1, 2020, modified vacation accrual schedule and more.

Our negotiations team comprised of NW Hospital and UWMC WSNA RNs worked tirelessly for nearly 25 combined sessions to get to where we are today. A complete summary of the changes can be found at WSNA.org and a final, signed, copy of the entire Collective Bargaining Agreement will be online as well in the next several weeks.

Congrats to all of the registered nurses at NWH and thank you for all of the hard work you do!

Your NW/UWMC Hospital Negotiations Team:

Anita Stull, RN -UWMC; Tiffany Guyette, RN- NW Hospital; Harry James, RN- UWMC; John Brown, RN- NW Hospital; Teresa Wren, RN- UWMC; Tom Booze, RN- NW Hospital; Miko Robertson, Per Diem RN-UWMC: Trish Nilsen, Per Diem RN-UWMC; Ed Zercher, BSN, RN; WSNA Nurse Rep for UWMC; Terri Williams, MS, RN – WSNA Nurse Rep for NW Hospital; and Dave Campbell, WSNA Special Counsel