
Northwest nurses vote "Yes" for new nurses coming into the bargaining unit

We had a great turnout of nurses on Friday, Sept. 13 and ended with an overwhelming “Yes” vote for the approximately 60 clinic nurses, clinical coordinators, assistant nurse managers, nursing shift managers and others who are now members of the NWH Bargaining Unit.

Congratulations to all of the new members and to all of the RNs at NWH. Thank you for all of the hard work you do!

In solidarity!

Brenda Clawson, RN, Clinic Nurse

Janell Christianson, BSN, RN, Clinic Nurse/Lead

Sheila Martin, RN, Clinical Coordinator

Heidi Glendenning, BSN, RN, Clinical Coordinator

Penny Brooks, BSN, RN, Nursing Shift Manager

Tiffany Guyette, BSN, RN, Local Unit Co-Chair

John Brown, RN, Local Unit Co-Chair

Questions? Contact any of the nurses and/or officers listed above, or WSNA Nurse Representative Terri Williams twilliams@wsna.org.