
Meeting and survey for NW Clinic Nurses

Please join us for a meeting to discuss your wishes for the upcoming contract bargaining session between NW nurses and management on Wednesday, July 31, anytime between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m.. Your WSNA officers and staff will be on hand to answer any questions you might have. This will also be a great chance to meet other clinic RNs in your new bargaining unit. Drop in anytime!

What: Northwest Clinic RN meeting with WSNA officers and staff
When: Wednesday, July 31, anytime between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m.
Where: The Computer Room #120, Northwest Outpatient Medical Center
10330 Meridian Ave N, Seattle, WA 98133

We also have a survey for our new NW clinic members to help determine the direction of the upcoming negotiations. If you are a member of that group, please respond to the survey. Your voice matters now more than ever!

In solidarity,

Tiffany Guyette, RN, Local Unit Chair
John Brown, RN, Local Unit Co-chair
Terri Williams, RN, WSNA Nurse Representative
Ed Zercher, RN, WSNA Nurse Representative
Will Nesper, RN, WSNA Nurse Organizer
Annie Mansfield, WSNA Organizer
David Campbell, WSNA Attorney

Questions? Contact WSNA Organizer Annie Mansfield at amansfield@wsna.org.