
UW Northwest negotiations continue

Your negotiation team met with management on April 8 for our second session. Management provided an economic presentation as well as presenting a significant number of proposals which it will take our team some time to review. Our next session is April 22. We will continue to provide updates which will become more detailed as we progress in bargaining.

It is more important than ever that you submit Staffing Complaint/​ADO Forms to aid in providing data on the topic of staffing and breaks. It takes just 90 seconds to log an ADO using this online ADO form. It is vital for the safety of your patients that you fill out a Staffing Complaint/​ADO Form EVERY time your unit is short staffed RNs or support staff. ADOs can be about unit staffing as a whole and not necessarily about an individual assignment. This is the best way to document staffing short­falls and create a path to positive change. Please be sure to account for every missed or late break and/or meal.

Please be sure that WSNA has your current contact information including your email address. This will ensure that you receive timely updates. Updates can also be found at: https://www.wsna.org/union/northwest-hospital Questions? Please contact your Nurse Rep, Sara Frey, at sfrey@wsna.org (206) 575-7979, ext. 3039, WSNA Organizer Annie Mansfield at amansfield@wsna.org or talk to one of your team members.

In solidarity,
your 2021 WSNA negoti­a­tion team — Josef Mansour — ED, Brook Dodd — SCU, Hugh M McGowan — Neigh­bor­hood Clinics, Tiffany Guyette — Float, Samuel Alemu — MS, Heidi Glenden­ning — Birth Center, Rebekah Aguilar — Birth Center, Elizabeth Tassani – ED, Tom Booze - ED