
Your voices are being heard!

As part of a retention and recruitment effort, WSNA was able to reach an agreement for an immediate 5% wage increase for all WSNA covered RNs at UWMC Montlake and Northwest.

Additionally, this wage increase will be retroactive to August 1!

The wage increases for all RNs covered by WSNA will be noted in one of upcoming pay periods with a retro sum to August 1 included as well.

WSNA will also continue to work on achieving additional wage increases prior to the onset of our next contract set to begin on July 1, 2023.

Nurses at UWMC have sacrificed a lot to keep the boat afloat during times of short staffing and record patient census periods.

WSNA leaders have worked tirelessly to achieve this 5% wage increase as the start of larger effort to catch up with surrounding area hospital wage scales and make UWMC a desirable place to consider working for many years to come.

A special thanks to all RNs that have been involved in this effort by contacting CNO Cindy Sayre, offering perspectives on RN morale and most importantly working long hours short of much needed staff support.

It is only because of the majority of RNs at UWMC are WSNA Members in good standing (dues paying members) that we are able to achieve these benefits. There are a lot of great things on the horizon for RNs at UWMC and we thank all of your for your continued commitment to stand shoulder to shoulder alongside your colleagues and WSNA for the betterment of working conditions at UWMC.

If you are not currently a member in good standing, it is a great time to join. Only members in good standing (dues paying members) enjoy the myriad of benefits that go along with that including the right to vote on our upcoming contract and many others!

The continued successes of WSNA depend on a strong, engaged membership.

Go online and join today.

For questions having to do with this immediate wage increase, please contact your WSNA Nurse Representative:
UWMC Montlake Ed Zercher ezercher@wsna.org
UWMC Northwest Stephenie Troftgruben stroftgruben@wsna.org