
Communications from the County and focus on our unity!

In case you missed the June 15 update, the staff nurses contract will be presented to the King County Council at a special session on Tuesday July 11 where we will recommend a do pass.  If the council ratifies it, it goes to the county executive for signature.  Ten days later it becomes ordinance. At that time, the contract is in effect and wage increases will begin to be implemented.  We will send an update after these steps have occurred.

The county continues to send information regarding the budget, and the message morphs with each subsequent announcement.  This has spurred concerns and rumors among our members. Regardless, it is essential to be unified to achieve our collective goals.

The staff nurses must launch into conversation and action to preserve the integrity of Nursing practice, preserve programs, client/patient services, and Nursing positions at Seattle King County:

  1. It was announced to the PHNs by your CNO that her position is going to be eliminated.  We have serious concerns.  Did you know, licensed nurses are required to have practice oversight from a licensed nurse or an ARNP? Only an RN/ARNP may evaluate/direct/guide clinical practice for nurses. We must stand together to preserve nursing leadership at the County, as there are serious implications for any licensed nurse working here. Specific actions to address this will be shared in August.
  2. In August, we will hold virtual Sip n’ Chat sessions where staff nurses from across all divisions can come together to have conversation with your officers and peers to gain strength and exchange ideas and hear about the plan to win through unified action.
  3. In August we also begin the solidarity road show, coming to your work site! We are booking dates and locations with the Site Reps and will keep you posted on your individual worksites.  Do not worry, we will bring swag and prizes too.
  4. Membership always matters and shows that staff nurses are invested in their collective power. Go here to submit your online application for WSNA union membership https://www.wsna.org/membership/application  Select the online application for union.
  5. Until we know specifics about any reductions in work force, please look at Article 29 in your contract. Contact your Nurse Rep with questions or bring your questions to one of the virtual or in-person options in August. Stay tuned for details and follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/phskc_staffnurses/
  6. JHS/DAJD Safety Committee elections in July! There is an established Safety Committee comprised of union members and others across different service lines working within DAJD and the employer, a forum where safety concerns are discussed in a centralized manner for review and/or action for this division. There is a spot for one WSNA member and one alternate. Contact Nurse Rep Tara Barnes at tbarnes@wsna.org so we may submit the names of staff nurses wanting to participate in this.  It is held virtually every month, next on July 18. 

In solidarity,
Your WSNA Officers Tyler, Elena, Carolyn, and Tami
WSNA Nurse Rep Tara Barnes tbarnes@wsna.org