
Negotiation update day 2

Yesterday, Sept. 29, your bargaining team met in-person with the County for our second session. We worked collaboratively to compile and identify twenty (20) Memorandums of understanding (MOU)that had been bargained in the past 2 years since the last contract. We reviewed each to determine whether it would need to be continued, merged into the contract, allowed to expire, or no longer applicable due to the state of emergency expiring.

We had some initial but productive discussion about staffing challenges. Both King County and WSNA recognized the challenges and problems caused by the pandemic and its aftermath. Several of our priorities aligned. No proposals were passed yet. We have put more dates on the calendar, our next sessions will be on October 14 and October 27.

Your Bargaining team,
Tyler Brier, Chair, Child Care program
Tami Nesler, Grievance officer, MRJC
Carolyn Clark, Grievance officer, KCCF
Kaila Tang, PHN with Nurse Family Partnership

For questions, please contact WSNA Nurse Representative Michelle Moore MMoore@wsna.org or reach out to your local unit officers.