
Time to begin preparations for contract negotiations!

Can you believe it is time to start thinking and preparing for contract negotiations again? It seems like we just finished the long hard struggle of getting the last contract, but our current contract between WSNA and St. Clare expires January 31, 2022. Even though our last negotiations were difficult we learned a lot. The most important thing we learned was that the number of nurses that actively participate throughout the entire process directly impacts what happens at the bargaining table.

The pre-negotiation survey is our first step in preparation for our contract negotiations. It is really important that we know everyone's issues and concerns before the negotiations start. It is also important we have huge participation from this starting point and throughout the entire negotiation process to get our best possible contract.

Please take a few minutes and take the survey now, and don’t stop there! Get every SJMC nurse you know at St. Clare to take it too. Our power and strength come from all of us united together working for the same goal!

We look forward to reading each and every survey response!

In Solidarity,
WSNA Local Unit Officers:
Clair Korrell, Heather Svitak, Tony Endrizzi, Amanda Hockmuth

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Barbara Friesen at bfriesen@wsna.org.