
Urgent update: Negotiations session #9

We spent a great deal of time responding to every open proposal in our court. We handed a comprehensive proposal to management. In return, they gave us nothing that they owed us.

Currently, they owe us:

  • A response on wages--something that reflects the market, inflation, and recognizes our worth and value.
  • Standby and callback pay
  • Weekend differential.

They still have significant takeaways on the table:

  • Wanting to change our shift start time at their whim.
  • Not paying new grads to float.
  • Mandatory call for everyone on the low census, management gets to pick.
  • Childbirth Center becomes a mandatory call unit.

We hoped that we could come to an agreement at the beginning of the day. Since management provided us with nothing, we question how sincere they are about finishing. We bargain again tomorrow, April 12.

WSNA yard signs are popping up around the hospital

Busy volunteer activists are knocking on neighbors’ and local businesses asking if they will put up WSNA yard signs. If you can help, please contact hwelander@wsna.org or tbarnes@wsna.org.