URGENT – Thirsty Thursday tonight – 2000-2100
Posted Dec 15, 2022

We’re bargaining with management today and tomorrow. Attend tonight to hear about and discuss:
- Picket! We gave management our picket notice: Wednesday, January 4 from 0600-0900 and from 1100-1330.
- We requested a meeting with Bill Robertson to present him with our signed letters and tell him our concerns directly.
- Management is still insisting on removing ratios from the Contract.
- Management is proposing new Clinical Service Lines that would allow management to float nurses outside of Clinical Service Lines at their discretion.
- They are proposing NICU should be floated down to L&D
- Management proposed adding peri-anesthesia to a newly proposed Clinical Service Line of NTICU, CVICU, and ED!
- These proposed Clinical Service Lines completely ignore what skills are needed to keep patients safe (and keep our licenses safe as well!)!
Join tonight on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 268 080 126 818
Passcode: UEbcTc
Or call in (audio only)
+1 206-485-2614,,887525008# United States, Seattle
(888) 313-0615,,887525008# United States (Toll-free)
In solidarity,
Your bargaining team:
Danielle O’ Toole, Local Unit Chair, Resource
Liz Leske, Secretary, PACU
Michelle Stevenson, Grievance Officer, Med Surg
Matt Dustin, NT ICU
Mallory Gregoire, Med Onc
Liana Delacorte, ED
Cherrie Griffith, Grievance Officer, Med Surg
Jess Oyler, OR
Cameron Warriner, NICU
Brenda Bowhay, Grievance Officer, FBC
Colin Bishop, PULSE
Morgan Van Fleet, PULSE
Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Brenda Balogh at bbalogh@wsna.org.