
Negotiation update

We finished out our 4th day of negotiations on Jan. 10, 2020. We had more discussion about preceptor pay and low census. Proposals were given back and forth. No movement on either side was made today. Management reviewed their workplace safety plan and the steps that have been taken for the future. Progress has been slow, and we have our work cut out for us. We have 2 more dates scheduled, the first being Jan. 22 ,2020.

In solidarity from your WSNA negotiating team,
Natasza Lorentz, Sam Asencio, Kari Benning, Janelle Coy, Jane Hill-Littlejohn, Sue Dunn, and Suzanne Baek

For any questions, please get in touch with one of us or contact WSNA Nurse Rep, Michelle Moore at mmoore@wsna.org.