
Vacation donation form

We, your negotiation team, met with management on January 22 for our fifth bargaining session. We were able to come to tentative agreement on a couple articles, along with updating language that is no longer being used. There was continued discussion on low census, sick leave and workplace safety. If you would like to be more active in WSNA, there will be a local unit meeting on Feb 12th at 230 pm in the cafeteria.

Below is a link to the form for donation of hours for your negotiation team.

In solidarity from your WSNA negotiating team,
Natasza Lorentz, Sam Asencio, Kari Benning, Janelle Coy, Jane Hill-Littlejohn, Sue Dunn, and Suzanne Baek

For any questions, please get in touch with one of us or contact WSNA Nurse Rep, Michelle Moore at mmoore@wsna.org.