TAKE ACTION: Our census is our power!
A few weeks ago, the U.S. Census Bureau announced that the 2020 Census will end early on Sept. 30, which will result in an incomplete and inaccurate count of people. We cannot let that happen.
September 16, 2020 • less than 1 minute to read

Right now, people in our communities are facing unprecedented need. As the nation battles the devastating impacts of COVID-19, the 2020 Census and the data that is learned from it will be used to decide how federal dollars will be spent in our communities for the next 10 years.
A few weeks ago, the U.S. Census Bureau announced that the 2020 Census will end early on September 30, which will result in an incomplete and inaccurate count of people.
We cannot let that happen.
Together, we are here to say: we demand to be counted.
Black and Indigenous People, People of Color and Immigrant Communities, among others, are currently undercounted in the census. Communities that are undercounted do not get the resources they’ve already paid for, for things like transportation, education, access to healthcare, and more. These resources fund vital jobs in our communities.
The way we can solve this is by completing the census, right now.
Being counted in the census is our power.
If we are not counted, the investments our communities and families need to survive and thrive will disappear—for 10 years. This is more urgent and important than ever.
You can complete your census online at 2020Census.gov, by calling one of the phone numbers below, or with the support of an official census worker.
- English 844-330-2020
- Spanish 844-468-2020
- Chinese (Mandarin) 844-391-2020
- Chinese (Cantonese) 844-398-2020
- Vietnamese 844-461-2020
- Korean 844-392-2020
- Russian 844-417-2020
- Arabic 844-416-2020
- Tagalog 844-478-2020
- Polish 844-479-2020
- French 844-494-2020
- Haitian Creole 844-477-2020
- Portuguese 844-474-2020
- Japanese 844-460-2020
- English (Puerto Rico) 844-418-2020
- Spanish (Puerto Rico) 844-426-2020
- Telephone Display Device (TDD) 844-467-2020
If you’ve already completed your census—THANK YOU! Consider checking with your friends, neighbors, and family to make sure they’ve completed theirs.