WSNA, UFCW 21 Support Providence Swedish workers
January 17, 2020 • less than 1 minute to read

As members of the Providence Union Coalition, which has fought for months to secure fair contracts for our members, The Washington State Nurses Association and UFCW 21 fully support Swedish workers represented by SEIU Healthcare 1199NW as they serve 10-day notice to the hospital of their intention to strike for patient care and safety at multiple campuses.
WSNA and UFCW 21 have reached Tentative Agreements and have already or will soon vote on these for new contracts at Providence-run hospitals across the state. Now, it’s time for Providence to cease its Unfair Labor Practices against Swedish workers and seriously address SEIU 1199NW proposals that lay out a roadmap for success in safe staffing, workplace safety, recruitment and retention, racial equity and inclusion for all, and provide for the needs of environmental service workers, social workers, counselors and caregivers who provide standby and call. It is time for Providence to bargain in good faith and reach a fair contract settlement with the 8,000 nurses and other health care workers who provide excellent care to patients across the Swedish system.
WSNA and UFCW 21 remain committed to the coalition that helped us reach agreements that advance improvements for patient care and safety and supports SEIU 1199NW in their continued fight. When you take on one of us, you take on all of us. When union workers, patients and community come together we can take on large employers like Providence and make sure they treat workers fairly. This helps improve the well-being of our communities and the safety and care we provide in our hospitals.