Donate blood. Save a life. Thank a nurse!
One week is not long enough to honor our nurses and their life-saving contributions, so Bloodworks Northwest is having a “Thank a Nurse” Blood Drive for the entire month of May.
May 4, 2022 • less than 1 minute to read

National Nurses Week is held each year May 6 - 12 to honor the vital role nurses play in the health of our society. One week is not long enough to honor our nurses and their life-saving contributions, so Bloodworks Northwest is having a “Thank a Nurse” Blood Drive for the entire month of May. As the nationwide blood shortage continues, please celebrate nurses by donating life-saving blood in their honor from May 1 - 31.
Please use the donor code: NURS when you arrive for your appointment, so they can keep track of how many times our nurses are honored. Donations can be made at any Bloodworks Northwest donation center or any “popup” center, and don’t forget to mention the code: NURS when you donate. Nurses will impact even more lives with these life-saving blood donations given in their honor! Please help them reach our goal of 50 “Thank You’s” to our nurses!
All donations are by appointment only. The one-hour donation appointment is a safe and essential action. All donation locations are being conducted in accordance with social distancing guidelines. No walk-ins, guests, or people under age 16 are permitted onsite. All donors are required to wear masks during their appointment. For more details on Bloodworks’ coronavirus guidelines, visit Bloodworks - Coronavirus Update ( To make your appointment call 1-800-398-7888 or visit