
Retention bonus agreement reached

We, your WSNA bargaining team, have been meeting with management over the past several weeks regarding the Retention Incentive Program and have reached an agreement. We want to make clear this is a voluntary program. The offer will be $5850 for a 2-year commitment. This will be prorated for FTEs below 0.9. If a nurse leaves early, they will be responsible for a full payback unless there are extenuating circumstances.

We fought hard for a higher incentive amount and a 1-year option. However, the UW feels there must be a 2-year commitment. We are also quite disappointed that the UW would not extend the offer to per diems who make a significant commitment each month. We fought for per diems until the end of negotiations.

Questions? Please contact one of your local unit officers or your WSNA Nurse Rep. using the contact information above.

Please note: Since this is a strictly voluntary program, WSNA RNs will have 30 days from the date of the employer’s notification to RNs of this program to sign an agreement.