
Unit Rep Meeting

As we continue to move forward in our preparations for the upcoming contract negotiations, we are working on maintaining a strong union presence in the hospital. We will be holding joint unit rep meetings and training sessions once a month virtually. Our first meetings are this upcoming Monday, January 22 at 2000 and Tuesday, January 23 at 0800. If you are interested in becoming a unit rep or are a current unit rep, reach out to an officer for a meeting invite. 

Speaking of strong union leaders, the WSNA Leadership conference is happening April 28th-30th in Chelan, WA at Campbell’s Resort. We encourage as many bargaining unit members to attend as possible. There will be workshops, discussion panels, speakers, and award ceremonies. The St. Joe’s local unit has a limited number of scholarships available that will cover the cost to attend the conference. If you are interested in receiving a scholarship, please contact a local unit officer. See more details about how to register by following the banner at the bottom of this email. 

We are also still working on reading the responses to the pre-negotiation survey, and we want to hear from YOU. Understanding your priorities for what you want to see in a new contract guides our negotiations, and a robust showing of responses places us in a strong position from the start. Please fill out the survey by clicking the link below.

We appreciate everything you do for your patients, your community, and your fellow union strong nurses.

In Solidarity,

Emily Nollmeyer, Co-Chair 
Matthew McGuire, Co-Chair 
Sally Budack, Co-Secretary 
Shannon Suchland, Co-Secretary 
Shelly Mead, Grievance Officer 
Yunna Flenord, Grievance Officer 
Carina Price, Membership Officer 
Rachel Wachter, Membership Officer 
Teresa Kindell, Membership Coordinator