February 14, 2025
February 10, 2025
On Monday, the Legislature reached fiscal cut off for the house of origin. The rest of the week was spent on the Legislature caucusing and voting bills off the House and Senate floors. We are expecting the safe staffing bill to be voted on by the house any day now.
February 11, 2022
Listen to David discuss his path to WSNA and current issues in nursing like safe staffing in this hourlong conversation.
A review of recent national and Washington State nurse staffing data and survey results indicates that there are enough nurses to safely staff hospitals, but that the quality of jobs is leading many qualified registered nurses to leave their Washington hospital jobs.
February 10, 2022
The WSNA Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare is proud to announce the Local Unit Awards to be presented during the 2022 Leadership Conference on April 24 - 26. Please nominate someone that you feel has done an outstanding job as a local unit leader.
February 7, 2022
The Legislature reached major milestone this week. Thursday was the cutoff for policy bills in their house of origin. This means that no new bills will be introduced this session unless they are necessary to implement the budget.
February 4, 2022
Washington State Nursing Commission determines that graduates of five Florida schools do not meet minimum requirements for licensure in the state of Washington.
January 31, 2022
This week the House Labor Committee took executive action on the safe staffing bill, HB 1868. The Senate Labor Committee heard testimony from two WSNA nurses on a bill that would provide COVID-19 hazard pay to hospital-based health care workers. The first cutoff of session is next week on Feb. 3.
January 28, 2022
This week the House Labor Committee heard the safe staffing bill, HB 1868. Check out the WSNA members who testified in support of the bill.
January 21, 2022
WSNA nurses share firsthand accounts of understaffing from the front lines.
January 17, 2022
The public is becoming increasingly aware of a problem nurses have known about for a long time: the nurse staffing crisis that is dangerously depleting our hospitals. The COVID-19 pandemic has both highlighted and accentuated this crisis.
WSNA and the other two primary health care unions in Washington state call for a sustainable, accountable commitment to safe staffing in every department of every hospital in the state.
Mary Mahoney Professional Nurses Organization was established in 1949 to provide community services and education to student nurses.
WSNA members are raising their voices and standing together to win the contracts they deserve. Congratulations to these local units who recently won at the bargaining table (as of November 2021).
David Keepnews has a long track record and distinguished career as a nurse, labor proponent, professor, policy specialist and advocate for our practice. He joins WSNA at a critical time for our members, our union and our profession. David is already bringing his experience, skills and passion to the job.
This was a busy week of hearings on policy bills and WSNA was well represented with several members providing testimony on key bills. As a reminder, all hearings and meetings with legislators are taking place over Zoom and are being aired on TVW.
January 14, 2022
We call on employers to clarify their policies, and we call on the state to ensure workers cannot be forced to return while sick, or disciplined for refusing to work while symptomatic with COVID.
"I became a nurse in 1994 — I feel very fortunate to have had such a rewarding career as a nurse and union member for the last 27 years. I feel nursing is a calling and vocation and not just a job."
January 11, 2022
"We do not believe that NINR intended to exclude research on health care equity; the health equity lens appears to be defined broadly enough to include health care equity. However, because some definitions distinguish between health equity and health care equity, this should be clarified."
December 17, 2021
Today a coalition of healthcare workers launched the WA Safe + Healthy campaign calling on Washington legislators to pass safe staffing standards that protect healthcare workers from dangerously high patient loads.
December 13, 2021
On Dec. 13, join the launch of our statewide campaign to ensure that we can care for patients safely, retain qualified staff, recruit new people into our industry, and create sustainable and resilient healthcare systems for our communities.
December 8, 2021
Following the 11th bargaining session with St. Joseph’s Medical Center, nurses represented by the Washington State Nurses Association are launching a strike petition, the first step towards a potential strike if a contract cannot be reached.
November 18, 2021
WSNA stands with 32,000 nurses and health professionals including members of our AFT-affiliated nurses at Oregon Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals who intend to begin their strike at Kaiser Permanente locations in Washington, Oregon and California starting November 15.
November 10, 2021
Hundreds of nurses, patients and community leaders gathered outside St. Joseph Medical Center in Tacoma on Nov. 3 to demand the hospital improve conditions so nurses can provide safe, high-quality care to every patient.
November 3, 2021
Nurses and other frontline workers are calling on hospitals to use the tools and resources they have available to finally begin mitigating this crisis for workers and patients.
October 19, 2021